Bonnie in Bali: March 2022
So a few things have happened since my last post in October. Let me catch you up:
I finally started work on-campus at Green School Bali, and after several months of settling in and getting used to the daily rhythms (and weather patterns!) of this beautiful, jungle school, I am starting to really feel part of the school community
I fell in love with a handsome and passionate environmentalist, Marc Pop, who runs his own renewable energy company in Indonesia
We moved in together in February and now share a two bedroom bungalow in Sanur, a quieter beach town (compared to Canggu) on the east side of south Bali
Watching the sunset together in Lombok
Now here I am, 5 and a half months into living here. The above might have you believe everything has moved along pretty seamlessly since I arrived. In some ways this is definitely true. I am beyond grateful to have met such an amazing man so quickly who can join me on adventures around the island and across Indonesia (more on this later). I am grateful to have so far avoided contracting a major illness or injury - including COVID! And I am grateful to have such an amazing job doing something I believe in, and surrounded by fascinating and inspiring colleagues, teachers and students.
Kindy students grow their imaginations on a pirate ship to “Mindfulness Island”
Other things have been harder. Working from 8am to 5pm with a 40 min commute both ways means very little time during the week to socialize. Many of the friends I’ve made here are entrepreneurial or work remotely and thus are able to meet and connect with each other over coffees, co-working lunches or mid-day workout classes - things that are not accessible for me. On top of this, I am re-learning how to navigate life in partnership with the man I love, something I haven’t done in over a decade. All of these factors have made building friendships here - something that has always come easily to me - a bit slower-going than I expected. However, it is teaching me (again) to let go and to trust in the process. To trust that my intuition will guide me to new and beautiful Bali friendships in the right time. To believe that these friends will give me grace and patience as I adjust to a new phase of life.
I did happen to make friends with this sea turtle - seen here scratching his back on a coral - while diving in Komodo last November
There’s also the realities of living in a tropical environment. Green School is a wall-less campus, intentionally designed this way in order to facilitate a deep connection among students to their native climate. I believe this is a good thing, but it doesn’t make adjusting to the heat and humidity easy! Not to mention sharing an ‘office’ space with ants, lizards, mosquitos, hornets, spiders, and the occasional monkey. You could live in the nicest villa in Bali and you’ll still end up having these critters as roommates (ok maybe not the monkey).
These non-human roommates I quite enjoy (top to bottom Kernel, Barry & Popcorn)…others less so
Despite these hurdles, and others I know will come, I am beginning to feel at home here. The fabric of my daily life is made of sunrise yoga sessions at home, feeling inspired by at least one Green School student a day, sharing those student stories with the world alongside my amazing marketing team, after-work surf lessons with Marc or walks with the dogs through neighborhood rice paddies or - on rainy evenings - sharing a meal and a movie in bed. On weekends in Sanur we will normally grab breakfast by the beach, practice beach volleyball for a bit of a workout, and jump in the ocean when it gets too hot. Evenings are for meeting up with friends for dinner, drinks and live music, or pizza and board games at home.
Sunsets at the beach in Sanur are always soothing after a long day of work
Often, though, we’ll venture out of Sanur for the weekend. So far we’ve had adventures in Lembongan, the little island next to Bali (our second date!). I took a trip to see my girlfriend and dive Komodo National Park. Marc and I spent his birthday at Menjangan Dynasty glamping resort and the Biosphere Foundation in north Bali. Over the holidays we enjoyed a two-week dive cruise in north Sulawesi. We’ve had a staycation in Ubud, gone snorkeling in Amed, taken road trips (via car ferry) to Lombok and Sumbawa…and we’re just getting started! In future posts, I hope to share more photos and stories of these trips, including all the interesting characters (and friends) we’ve met along the way. Now, however, it’s time for the beach! Til next time.
Seconds after this photo was taken I slipped while jumping in the water and plummeted to a graceless side belly-flop