GIFT GUIDE: Gifts To Help Save the Animals!
We all have that friend who loves, loves, LOVES animals. You know, the one who greets every dog they see (guilty), makes us release spiders outside and even likes cats? Well, what better gift to get this person than one that gives back to organizations dedicated to protecting animal species all over the world?!
gifts for the marine life-loving friend
Manatee Cookie Cutter Adoption
Perfect for your friend who loves marine life as much as they love to bake (…ME!), this manatee cookie cutter comes with an adoption certificate and your purchase helps Oceana protect these gentle sea giants from pollution and dangerous fishing practices.
Manatee-Shaped Cookie Cutter from Oceana
Make the gift of slippers even better by getting ones that 1) are sustainably made, 2) have elephants on them and 3) proceeds from the purchase are used to fund the World Wildlife Fund’s global conservation efforts. Your loved ones’ feet will be warm and fuzzy along with your heart after giving this animal-friendly gift!
Elephant Slippers from WWF
Take your elephant-saving efforts even further by purchasing one of these snare wire bracelets from WWF. Each piece tells a story, and is made from snare wire traps that maim and even kill many wildlife. Donations from the sale of these bracelets help support anti-poaching patrols to protect elephants as well as big cats and antelope.
Snare Wire Bracelet from WWF
For the friend in your life who is gung-ho about pet adoption, get them a memento that reminds them of the special furry friend who they insist “rescued them, not the other way around.” Twenty percent of proceeds from all Nair & Bjorn Jewelry is donated to no-kill animal rescue shelters.
Pewter Pawn Print Initial Necklace from Nair & Bjorn
Become a secret Santa Claus for a loving animal somewhere in the world by making a donation to one of these worthy animal-welfare and rescue efforts by PETA.