...By uniting healthcare, social justice and environmental advocacy
We chat with Shamar Bibbins, Senior Program Officer for environmental initiatives at the Detroit-based Kresge Foundation, about her and the foundation's work to help communities build resilience in the face of climate change - all while keeping equity and inclusion at the center of the effort.
“My vision for the future is that we have stable planet that allows people to breathe fresh air, have access to clean and safe water, and live in safe communities that are thriving economically and that are protected from the impacts of climate change.”
Where to Find the Kresge Foundation -
Newsletter Subscribe Page: https://kresge.org/subscribe
Media Resources: https://kresge.org/media
Communications Resources: https://kresge.org/communication-resources
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thekresgefoundation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kresgefdn or https://twitter.com/kresgenviro
Educational Resources -
Book: Energy Democracy - https://bookshop.org/books/energy-democracy-advancing-equity-in-clean-energy-solutions/9781610918510
Island Press Urban Resilience Project - https://islandpress.org/urban-resilience-project